Sunday, May 24, 2020

Personal Application of Criminology Paper - 1495 Words

Personal Application of Criminology Paper CJA/314 Version 2 Criminology 02-27-2011 Personal Application of Criminology Paper When a person is in a situation like this, they may have a million things going through their heads, sometimes not and they’ll just proceed with calling the Police. With this situation one can handle it in a few ways, first call the police, then proceed with calling the boy’s parents, and tell my son what happened. If one can find out why this situation came about, meaning why your son’s friend came into your house by using a break in tool such as a lock pick, finding out that information would be helpful to have. The first thing a person should do is follow out with the most professional steps for the†¦show more content†¦He will also see that there’s not much light in the tunnel of crime and that eventually every criminal gets caught rather its right then, a year, or even ten years down the line. Today, the criminal justice system has more than they did in the past to catch offenders, or find out if the certain individual committed a particular crime. They have databases such as AFIS, DNA, CODIS, and NCIC. DNA testing, which a procedure is carried out by forensic scientists that help law enforcement personnel in the identification of offenders that have broken the law by matching their DNA profiles. Then for crimes like the sons friend committed they have a database called AFIS automated fingerprinting is an effective storage, search and retrieval system used for the finger and palm print electronic images and demographic data. AFIS is a high speed and high capacity image processing system that improves the ability of latent fingerprint examiners to search and find crime scene evidence against increasing loads of fingerprinting records they may come about everyday. Counseling with the boy should help stop him from in the future proceeding with the same or any negative activity in the future. However, not all boys that commit a crime or attempt to will see a counsel talk as a benefit to them, in fact some may continue unti l something much worst happens. That’s why with most theyShow MoreRelatedClassical Theory of Criminology Essay1523 Words   |  7 PagesCriminology is the study of why individuals engage or commit crimes and the reasons as to why they behave in certain ways in different situations (Hagan, 2010). Through understanding the reasons or why an individual commits a crime, one can come up with ways to prevent and control crime or rehabilitate criminals. 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