Thursday, December 26, 2019

Osiris Lord of the Underworld in Egyptian Mythology

Osiris is the name of the God of the Underworld (Duat) in Egyptian mythology. Son of Geb and Nut, husband of Isis, and one of the Great Ennead of the creator gods of Egyptian religion, Osiris is the  Lord of the Living, meaning he watches over the (once-)living people who reside in the underworld.   Key Takeaways: Osiris, Egyptian God of the Underworld Epithets: Foremost of the Westerners; Lord of the Living; The Great Inert, Osiris Wenin-nofer (he who is everlastingly in a fine condition or beneficent being.  Culture/Country: Old Kingdom—Ptolemaic period, EgyptEarliest Representation: Dynasty V, the Old Kingdom from the reign of Djedkara IsesiRealms and Powers: Duat (Egyptian Underworld); God of Grain; Judge of the DeadParents: Firstborn of Geb and Nut; one of the EnneadSiblings: Seth, Isis, and NephthysSpouse: Isis (sister and wife)Primary Sources: Pyramid texts, coffin texts, Diodorus Siculus, and Plutarch Osiris in Egyptian Mythology Osiris was the firstborn child of the earth god Geb and the sky goddess Nut, and was born in Rosetau at the western Desert necropolis near Memphis, which is the entrance to the underworld. Geb and Nut were the children of the creator gods Shu (Life) and Tefnut (Maat, or Truth and Justice) in the First Time—together they gave birth to Osiris, Seth, Isis, and Nephthys. Shu and Tefnut were the children of the sun god Ra-Atun, and all of these deities make up the Great Ennead, four generations of gods who created and ruled the earth. Late Period (644–322 BCE) relief of Osiris, Isis, and Horus at the Temple of Hibis, Kharga Oasis in the Libyan Desert, Egypt. C. Sappa / De Agostini Picture Library / Getty Images Plus Appearance and Reputation   At his earliest appearance in the 5th Dynasty of the Old Kingdom (late 25th century to mid-24th century BCE), Osiris is depicted as the head and upper torso of a god, with the hieroglyphic symbols of Orisis name. He is often illustrated wrapped as a mummy, but his arms free and holding a crook and a flail, symbols of his status as a pharaoh. He wears the distinctive crown known as the Atef, which has rams horns at the base, and a tall conical centerpiece with a plume on each side.   However, later on, Osiris is both human and god. He is considered one of the pharaohs of the predynastic period of Egyptian religion when the Ennead created the world. He ruled as pharaoh after his father Geb, and he is considered the good king, in opposition to his brother Seth. Greek writers later claimed Osiris and his consort, the goddess Isis, as the founders of human civilization, who taught agriculture and crafts to humans. Role in Mythology Osiris is the ruler of the Egyptian underworld, a god who protects the dead and is connected with the constellation of Orion. While a pharaoh is seated on the throne of Egypt, he or she is considered a form of Horus, but when the ruler dies, she or he becomes a form of Osiris (Osiride).   These larger than life-size statues of Queen Hatshepsuts temple in Luxor show her as Osiris. BMPix / iStock / Getty Images Plus The primary legend of Osiris is how he died and became the god of the Underworld. The legend changed a bit throughout the 3,500 years of Egyptian dynastic religion, and there are more or less two versions of how that happened.   Death of Osiris I: Ancient Egypt In all versions, Osiris is said to have been assassinated by his brother Seth. The ancient story says that Osiris is attacked by Seth in a remote location, trampled and cast down in the land of Gahesty, and he falls on the side of the riverbank near Abydos. In some versions, Seth takes the form of a dangerous animal to do that—crocodile, bull, or wild ass. Another says Seth drowns Osiris in the Nile, an event that occurs during the night of the great storm.   Osiris sister and consort, Isis, hear a terrible lament when Osiris dies, and go searching for his body, eventually finding it. Thoth and Horus conduct an embalming ritual at Abydos, and Osiris becomes the king of the underworld. Death of Osiris II: Classic Version   The Greek historian Diodorus Siculus (90–30 BCE) visited northern Egypt in the mid-first century BCE; the Greek biographer Plutarch (~49–120 CE), who neither spoke nor read Egyptian, reported a narrative of Osiris. The story the Greek writers told is more elaborate, but likely at least a version of what the Egyptians believed during the Ptolemaic period.   In the Greek version, Osiris death is a public assassination by Seth (called Typhon). Seth builds a beautiful chest made to fit his brothers body perfectly. He then displays it at a feast and promises to give the chest to anyone who fits into the box. Typhons followers try it, but none fit—but when Osiris climbs into the box, the conspirators bolt the lid and seal it with molten lead. They then throw the chest into a branch of the Nile, where it floats until it reaches the Mediterranean.   Reconstructing Osiris Because of her devotion to Osiris, Isis goes in search of the chest and finds it at Byblos (Syria), where it had grown into a marvelous tree. The king of Byblos had the tree cut down and carved into a pillar for his palace. Isis recovers the pillar from the king and takes it to the Delta, but Typhon finds it. He tears Osiriss body into 14 parts (sometimes 42 parts, one for each district in Egypt), and scatters the parts throughout the realm.   Isis and her sister Nephthys take the form of birds, seeking out each of the parts, and making them whole again and burying them where they were found. The penis had been eaten by a fish, so Isis had to replace it with a wooden model; she also had to revive his sexual powers so that she could give birth to their son Horus. After Osiris is reconstructed, he is no longer involved with the living. As happened in the shorter version of the tale, Thoth and Horus conduct an embalming ritual at Abydos, and Osiris becomes the king of the Underworld. Osiris as God of Grain In papyri and tombs dated by the 12th dynasty of the Middle Kingdom onward, Osiris is sometimes portrayed as the god of grain, specifically barley—the sprouting of the crop implies the resurrection of the deceased in the Underworld. In later New Kingdom papyri he is illustrated lying on the desert sand, and his flesh changes color with the season: black evokes the Nile silt, green the living vegetation before the summer ripening.   Sources Hart, George. The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, 2nd ed. London: Routledge, 2005. Print.Pinch, Geraldine. Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and Traditions of Ancient Egypt. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2002. Print.---. Handbook of Egyptian Mythology. ABC-CLIO Handbooks of World Mythology. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2002. Print.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Robert F. Williams The Battle For African American Civil...

Robert F. Williams was a man to remember, not only for his incredible accomplishments in society but his character as a whole. He sought for social equality rather than being satisfied with freedom from chattel slavery. â€Å"We have the right and duty to raise our voices in protest against the forces of oppression that seek to crush free people† (P. 242). Personal relations amongst genders in opposing races brought up serious turmoil in the 1950’s South. Timothy Tyson’s views on the battle for African American civil liberties create a vivid window into some of Americas past successes and failures. Robert Williams began his life in the small southern town of Monroe. With a third of the population being black, segregation was in full swing. â€Å"The bloody history of race and class conflict in the piedmont made it clear that white supremacy and the bitter legacy of slavery divided workers far more powerfully than self-interest could unite them† (P. 7). Ro bert’s father was a railroad worker which gave the Williams family a stronger outlet to defend against slavery. â€Å"The fact that my father was working and had a pretty secure job,† Williams remembered, â€Å"this gave us some insulation from some of the harshness and abuses that some of the black children experienced† (P. 19). Working for the railroad was one of the few occupations in Monroe that didn’t have an underlying objective of white supremacy. This is primarily because the railroad was spread over north and south states which couldShow MoreRelatedThe Fundamental Diffferences Between the Black Abolitionists and the White Abolitionists Movements1592 Words   |  7 PagesTermpaper Class: African American Study IV Subject: Analyzing the Fundamental Differences Between the Black Abolitionists and the White Abolitionists Movements Black and white abolitionists shared common assumptions about the evil of slavery, the virtue of moral reform, and the certainty of human progress(1). 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Groupthink Theory Essay Example For Students

Groupthink Theory Essay GROUPTHINK THEORY COMM410 As people, when confronted with a problem where a solution must be found, our ideal situation is to come up with the best possible one. To do this, we ideally gather the most knowledgeable, intelligent individuals into a group and attempt to derive the best solution to the problem. With the collection of these people, one would think that finding the best possible answer to the problem would be a rather simple task. However, what has happened in many situations is the complete opposite. Rather than finding the best possible solutions, many ideal, cohesive groups arrive at the worst possible answer largely due to problems in communication within the group. This is what we call the radical theory of ‘groupthink’. When groupthink occurs, it can lead to poor decision-making and lack of creativity and as a result, lead to severe consequences. It is important that groups be aware of the symptoms of groupthink in order reduce the chances of negative outcomes. Groupthink is defined as â€Å"the mode of thinking that persons engage in when concurrence-seeking becomes so dominant in a cohesive in-group that it tends to override realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action† (Irving Janis, 1972). More simply put, groups who are affected by groupthink ignore other alternatives. Together, the members try and minimize conflict, thereby reaching consensus, without truly analyzing, studying and evaluating different ideas. In search of group cohesiveness, things such as individuality and creativity tend to disappear into the crowd. Rather than bringing new and different ideas to the table, group members avoid giving an opinion that would be considered to rest outside of the group’s comfort zone. Whats really angering about instructions of this sort is that they imply theres only one way to put this rotisserie together their way. And that presumption wipes out all the creativity. Actually there are hundreds of ways to put the rotisserie together and when they make you follow just one way without showing you the overall problem, the instructions become hard to follow in such a way as not to make mistakes. You lose the feeling for the work† (Pirsig, 166). When seeking solutions to a problem, there can be hundreds of possible ways to solve it. However, because of the lack of creativity, individuality and conflict that arises due to groupthink, only one of those solutions is seriously taken into consideration. Unfortunately, the final solution is not always the best one. In 1972, Yale psychologist Irving Janis attended a seminar on small groups at Yale University. After reading about the Bay of Pigs fiasco, Janis was troubled at the idea that a group of intelligent, well-educated individuals, who included John F. Kennedy and his advisors, allowed themselves to create such a plan. Later on, Irving Janis studied significant events; such as the failure to protect Pearl Harbor, in order to further investigate the topic of groupthink. Decision-making can be seen all around us. Whether it is in the business world or deciding what to make for dinner, we are forced to make choices. Typically, making decisions follows a 6-step process. The steps involved in making a decision are as follows: †¢ Identify the problem or opportunity †¢ Gather relevant information †¢ Develop as many alternatives as possible Evaluate alternatives to decide which is best †¢ Decide on and implement the best alternative †¢ Follow-up on the decision We must keep in mind, however, that making an individual decision is much different than making one in groups. With group decision-making comes social interaction and social, psychological and contextual influences. These things alone call for many advantage s and disadvantages, one advantage being that there are more opinions and more input because of the number of people. Therefore, more solutions to the initial problem(s) can be generated. With this, however, comes a major disadvantage. When making a group decision, majority of groups must agree with the final solution. With the potential of having many opinions within the group, it can be difficult and time costly to ultimately reach a consensus. As individuals, we are all rhetoricians and have different methods of communication. When it comes to discussing our opinions and persuading group members of our ideas, arguments are sometimes created because of the diversity within the group. What matters is whether the argument is productive or not. While there are many unproductive arguments, others generate some of the most creative joint thinking we ever achieve together† (Mercer, 74). Unfortunately, in the case of groupthink, arguments tend to be avoided at all costs. Groupthink theory often occurs without the group’s realization. Irving Janis formed 8 different symptoms that indicate groupthink. The first of these symptoms is illusions of vulnerability. Th is occurs when members of the group are overly optimistic and believe that nothing negative will arise from their decision. Janis describes it as taking great risks and acquiring the attitude of â€Å"everything is going to be OK, because we are a special group†. Secondly we have belief in inherent morality. This symptom is characterized as the groups thought that they could do no wrong. They believe that they have high morality, that they are right in all situations and they ignore the ethical consequences that could arise because of their decisions. As the third symptom we have collective rationalization. This occurs when the group is convinced that nothing can go wrong with the plan with which they have decided to go even if there is sufficient evidence that proposes the complete opposite. The fourth symptom is stereotyped views of out-groups. Members within the group tend to have negative stereotypes of people and groups that are not part of their assembly. This causes the in-group members to disregard what the out-groups have to say which usually causes a lack of creativity. Next we have direct pressure on dissenters, or, direct pressure for conformity. With this symptom, members are discouraged to express any argument about the group’s stereotype and/or commitments, or else this is seen as disloyalty on the part of that particular member’s. The sixth symptom is known as self-censorship. Because groups who experience groupthink are very judgmental and discourage any argument about what the group does, group members will not share their ideas because of the fear of being rejected. These members censor themselves and withhold any criticism or opinion that they may have. Following self-censorship comes illusion of unanimity. In groups, members look to each other to confirm their ideas. This symptom occurs when a member falsely believes that silence in a meeting means that everyone agrees with the decision. Lastly we have self-appointed ‘mind guards’. Sometimes, certain members will appoint themselves as protectors of the group and even the leader from the outside that could potentially ruin the group’s cohesiveness. Ultimately, groups want to avoid all of these symptoms in order to avoid a potentially disastrous result. One may ask, however, how is this possible? Lebanon: A Globe-trotters Guide EssayIn this case, the NASA employee’s inability to think laterally and realize that things change with time, truly affected the result of this mission. Their decision to launch this ship the 19 previous times was right at the time. However, conditions are not always constant. The decision to make the 20th and final launch may have seemed right hours before, however, the NASA’s employees inability to think laterally and outside the box was only one of the contributing factors to this disaster. Some things you miss because theyre so tiny you overlook them. But some things you dont see because theyre so huge. We were both looking at the same thing, seeing the same thing, talking about the same thing, thinking about the same thing, except he was looking, seeing, talking, and thinking from a completely different dimension (Pirsig, 55). All NASA employees and Morton Thiokol employees were talking, thinking, looking, and seeing the same thing. However, all of these things were done in a different context. The engineers were concerned about the lives at hand while the NASA employees’ concerns were more directed to continuing the launching successes of the ship. It is important that we always encourage viewing things from other’s perspectives. We must keep in mind that groupthink is not only seen in an organizational or business context, it is also seen in everyday life. The majority of individuals have found themselves in a position, at one time or another, where the group silences them because of fear of rejection or intimidation. Very recently, on October 24th, 2009, a 15 year-old female was raped in a back alley outside of a school dance at Richmond High in Richmond California. At first glance, one might see this as a regular rape case. However, it is the complete opposite. This young woman was raped by not only 1, but 6 male teenagers while approximately 10 others watched. Although this case may not be identified precisely as groupthink, there are many characteristics and symptoms that are easily identifiable. Firstly, this case was characterized as a ‘gang-rape’. If one were to define â€Å"gang†, the several definitions that could involve one key word. This word is ‘group’. This group of young gentlemen joined together and performed very disturbing acts towards this young woman. This group experienced five out of the eight symptoms that were identified at the beginning of this paper. The young gentlemen who were involved in this act clearly ignored the obvious dangers and risks going into this situation (illusions of vulnerability), they believed they were doing no wrong and ignored the possible ethical consequences of their decisions (inherent morality) and they believed that nothing would come of their decisions to rape this girl even though there is sufficient evidence in the news and elsewhere that rape is a very serious offense (collective rationalization). Members who were involved also may have felt pressured to take part in or continue the acts once they started because of the possible mockery and disrespect on the part of the other members or the 10 other individuals watching (direct pressure for conformity). Finally, those members who thought what they were doing was wrong did not speak up and withheld their views because of the possibility of being rejected by the group (self-censorship). Even though the members were not looking for a solution to a specific problem, the decisions that they made as a group and the choices they made were definitely ones with a disastrous result. Rather than staying and doing what they did to this young woman, they could have evaluated other alternatives and preserved no only the girls well being, but also their own. As disturbing as this may sound, concurrence was searched for by the group. The group agreed on how and where they performed this act. Without concurrence and cohesion, this group of people would not have done this to this poor young lady. When confronted with a problem, we ideally want to find the best possible solution. Even if the group includes members who are intelligent and knowledgeable, the decisions made are not always the best ones. The issue of the Challenger Space Shuttle and the rape case are only two of many situations that can be characterized as groupthink. Unfortunately, in many cases, the result of the final decision can be disastrous. It is important that groups be aware of the symptoms mentioned in this paper and takes the necessary precautions to avoid decisions that can create negative results. Sources Avoiding groupthink. (2009). Retrieved September 6th, 2009, from Mind Tools Web Site: http://www. mindtools. com/pages/article/newLDR_82. htm Borchers, Tim. (1999). Decision making. Retrieved September 6th, 2009, from Small Communications Web Site: http://www. abacon. com/commstudies/groups/decision. html Decision Making. Retrieved September 6th, 2009, from Answers. com Web Site: http://www. answers. com/topic/decision-making Decision making. Retrieved September 6th, 2009, from Wikipedia http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Decision_making Dornhelm, R. (2009). City mobilizes in response to rape. Retrieved November 7th, 2009 from NPR website http://www. npr. org/templates/story/story. php? storyId=114335554 Griffin, E. (2009). A first look at communication theory. In Chapter 18: Groupthink of Irving Janis (pg. 235-246). http://www. afirstlook. com/docs/groupthink. pdf Grohol, John M. (2009). Silencing groupthink in your organization. Retrieved September 6th, 2009, from Psych Central Web Site: http://psychcentral. com/blog/archives/2009/04/30/silencing-groupthink-in-your-organization/ Groupthink. Retrieved September, 6th, 2009, from: http://www. cedu. niu. edu/~fulmer/groupthink. htm Groupthink. (2009). Retrieved September 6th, 2009, from 12 Manage: The Executive Fast Track Web Site: http://www. 2manage. com/methods_janis_groupthink. html Group Decision Making. Retrieved September 6th, 2009, from Wikipedia http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Group_decision_making Group Decision Making Theories. From Oregon State Web Site http://oregonstate. edu/instruct/comm321/gwalker/Group. htm Hinsz, Verlin B. (1999). Group decision making with responses of a quantitative nature: The theory of social decision schemes for quan tities. Organizational behavior and human decision process, 80(1), 28-49. Retrieved from: http://www. sciencedirect. com/science? ob=ArticleURL_udi=B6WP2-45FCPR6G_user=607434_rdoc=1_fmt=_orig=search_sort=d_docanchor=view=c_searchStrId=1002502910_rerunOrigin=google_acct=C000031539_version=1_urlVersion=0_userid=607434md5=8d19dd6821ed02fd2a77f178a6f30eff Hirokawa, R. , Pool, M. S. (1996). Communication and group decision making. Retireved on September 6th, 2009. Web Site: http://books. google. com/books? id=lAEA68lX5XsCpg=PA3lpg=PA3dq=group+decision+making+theorysource=blots=ms_FmZg-QGsig=lt2Xc-sKpbRBpl1Dm6Nvi5m9wyshl=enei=mU2kSs_gAceK8QbbvOjwDwsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnum=9#v=onepageq=group%20decision%20making%20theoryf=false Janis, I. (1982). Groupthink. Retrieved October 4th, from: http://apps. olin. wustl. edu/faculty/macdonald/GroupThink. pdf Lobe, Jim. (2004). Chikenhawk groupthink. Retrieved September 6th, 2009, from CommonDreams. org Web Site:http://www. commondreams. org/headlines04/0512-02. htm What is Groupthink. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Sixteen Years Old, Flunking School, And Being Humiliated By Other Peer

Sixteen years old, flunking school, and being humiliated by other peers is a brief description of my junior year. At nine years old is when it all started when I was diagnosed as an epileptic. The doctors walked in and gave me a bottle of little orange pills. I thought to myself, 'just a little pill a day, it cant be that bad' , but I was so wrong. That little pill didn't control my seizures so the medication kept changing. It went to a higher dosage, to a different medication, and finally combinations of the medications, but nothing seemed to work. As my high school years started, my seizures only got worse. I had a hard time making friends and keeping up in class because of this disruptive problem in my life. I have grown very inward, paranoid to be in a group of strangers, and with a very low self esteem, all because of epilepsy. if only people would be understanding and not so judgmental, it wouldn't be that hard. I've had to face several difficult things in life caused my epilepsy. I had to face the fact that I wasn't going to be able to drive, to be intimate without telling my doctors first, to work a public job, or to be involved in most extracurricular activities. Only one thing kept me holding on and in the right mind, and that was the great Lord above. My junior year was the worst of all my high school years. i started having 5-10 seizures a day. i missed most of my classes and had a really hard time making up the work. my GPA dropped and i panicked, only causing more seizures because of all the stress. i got to the point that i had to be hospitalized to find out what was going on. the doctors found nothing new as to what was causing the seizures, and they switched my medication again. when i was released from the hospital, i was so far behind in school that i had to be put on homebound. when school was out, my seizures were still uncontrollable. Going back to the doctor and being hospitalized with a bunch of test, the doctors finally discovered exactly where my seizures were coming from and that i would be a perfect candidate for surgery. within the summer of my junior year i had tons of tests, was hospitalized for two weeks, and went through brain surgery. i am a senior now, have completely recovered from brain surgery, and am seizure free. i can drive, get a public job, and all the other things I was never going to be able to do before. Everything that has happened to me has happened for a reason and I am here to find out what that reason is. I am on my way to being successful and learning from everything that has happened to me. Sixteen Years Old, Flunking School, And Being Humiliated By Other Peer Sixteen years old, flunking school, and being humiliated by other peers is a brief description of my junior year. At nine years old is when it all started when I was diagnosed as an epileptic. The doctors walked in and gave me a bottle of little orange pills. I thought to myself, 'just a little pill a day, it cant be that bad' , but I was so wrong. That little pill didn't control my seizures so the medication kept changing. It went to a higher dosage, to a different medication, and finally combinations of the medications, but nothing seemed to work. As my high school years started, my seizures only got worse. I had a hard time making friends and keeping up in class because of this disruptive problem in my life. I have grown very inward, paranoid to be in a group of strangers, and with a very low self esteem, all because of epilepsy. if only people would be understanding and not so judgmental, it wouldn't be that hard. I've had to face several difficult things in life caused my epilepsy. I had to face the fact that I wasn't going to be able to drive, to be intimate without telling my doctors first, to work a public job, or to be involved in most extracurricular activities. Only one thing kept me holding on and in the right mind, and that was the great Lord above. My junior year was the worst of all my high school years. i started having 5-10 seizures a day. i missed most of my classes and had a really hard time making up the work. my GPA dropped and i panicked, only causing more seizures because of all the stress. i got to the point that i had to be hospitalized to find out what was going on. the doctors found nothing new as to what was causing the seizures, and they switched my medication again. when i was released from the hospital, i was so far behind in school that i had to be put on homebound. when school was out, my seizures were still uncontrollable. Going back to the doctor and being hospitalized with a bunch of test, the doctors finally discovered exactly where my seizures were coming from and that i would be a perfect candidate for surgery. within the summer of my junior year i had tons of tests, was hospitalized for two weeks, and went through brain surgery. i am a senior now, have completely recovered from brain surgery, and am seizure free. i can drive, get a public job, and all the other things I was never going to be able to do before. Everything that has happened to me has happened for a reason and I am here to find out what that reason is. I am on my way to being successful and learning from everything that has happened to me.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel Essay Example

What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel Essay Example What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel Paper What impressions of Silas Marner do you form early in the novel Paper Essay Topic: Literature This essay plans to tell the reader about the early chapters in the book Silas Marner. Part I begins with the description and comparisons of the two settings that are introduced to us in this book, it then goes on to tell the reader about Silas himself, Silass physical drawbacks and his membership of the sect in the Lantern Yard. Part II then goes on to tell the reader about the more social aspects of Silass life and then about his settlement in Raveloe. In the opening chapters of this book we are introduced to two types of setting. Firstly we are introduced to Raveloe (pages 10 through to 12), this is quite a verdant village, a woody village tucked away in the back woods of the fresh English Midlands. The way Raveloe is placed geographically and its seclusion from the rest of the Midlands, the intellectual and spiritual confinement of its quite simple and its very misunderstood tastes to the countryside are premeditated. In this setting the writer George Eliot captures all the views of the bygone era, prompted by her indelible Warwickshire memories. The second setting that we are given is one that is not written in the text but one, which we have to look for. Just before the industrial revolution was due to begin is the books second setting. This is between the decades 1810 and 1840, when the first signs of industrialization were being seen in the urban areas, the first roads into the English countryside had begun to be put in place and land enclosures had fallen off the agenda and the peasants were being forced to move into the towns and cities to earn a decant living. Whilst this was proceeding, Raveloe village itself was remaining unaffected by this looming industrialisation and it continued to proceed with its rural backdrop still fertile and exuberant. The spinning wheels still hummed busily in the farmhouses, the bigger families lived in wealth and luxuries swearing by the thriving land, inherited estates and still using their ancestral tankards. Whilst these events are continue in the Raveloe village, Silass life as a weaver is starting to become quite easy for him and he is becoming quite a prosperous member of the village, but his fortune is still very secret and nobody knows the amount of money he has stored away apart from him. Silas is a very simple and extremely trusting man who lives for his work and works with pride. Silass has a Thread-bore physique; he appears to be very shabby and untidy. His body is not one thriving with muscles but a rather slender build. His eyes are very protruding and myopic (short sighted) and are quite baggy due to his heavy workload. Silas has a condition known as catalepsy, which is a suspension of the senses, all bodily powers and movements, with muscular rigidity and in some parts of the world called a trance. We first find out about the catalepsy around page twelve when Jem Rodney tells us that on coming up to him, I saw that Marners eyes were set like a dead mans, and he spoke to him, shook him, his limbs were stiff, and his hands clutched the bag as theyd been made of iron. The children of the village are terrified of Silas and after a while they begin to associate him with the devil. Jem Rodney then goes on to describe Silas as a dead man, come to life. Mr Macey believes that Silass soul leaves his body and goes into other peoples body to see what is going on in their lives. This plays a vital part in the early plot of the novel, while Silas is still a member of the Lantern Yard sect. The leader of the sect Deacon is suffering from a very bad illness; almost knocking on heavens door and it was Silass turn to watch him. Whilst he watches him he falls into a fit and William Dane knows this and takes advantage of it, by going in to the room and stealing the churches money from the cabinet where it is kept. He uses Silass knife, which he borrowed a few days before to cut some cloth, to pick the lock so he cannot be framed for the theft. Silas is obviously found guilty and banished from the sect; he does not only lose his religion but his best friend and fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e too. In this sect at Lantern Yard Silas has a major to play in the running and organization inside of the sect. He does his fair share of the work for it and is very highly thought in the sect. He is a man of exemplary life and he has a great faith in god and its surrounding faith. He was very trusting and thought that his best friend and fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e would not abandon him in his moment of need and when they did he was ashamed to have even known them and upon losing them, he lost his life and everything that meant anything to him. He felt that he had been betrayed by everyone and especially God because in the end he begins to call God The God of Lies. William Dane was one of Silass best friends during his time at the sect, but when it comes to the end of Silass time at the sect he stabs him in the back by not supporting him and then going on to marry his fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e. Dane had very narrow slanting eyes but that was not his only unusual facial feature, his lips seemed to be always very compressed. This gives us an impression that he is quite a sadistic man and sometimes can be evil. Dane describes Silass fit as a visitation of Satan only after Silas has moved on out of the sect and they are no longer friends. For Silas to be found guilty of the theft the leader has to draw lots out of a black bag and if the number drawn is even he is innocent but if it is an odd number drawn he is guilty. This is done on the basis that the leader of the sect puts them in but God takes the power of his hand as he puts them in. After the sect find him guilty of theft and they turn their backs on him, he loses the framework of his life, his friends, his belief in god and then goes on to resent God in a way that can not be described in words but not only does he lose all of this he also loses the one person in the whole world which he loves dearly. When we first come into contact with Raveloe it has been fifteen years since Silas had first come to settle there. There are three reasons given in the book to why Silas chose to settle there. It begins by telling us that believes that he is safe and is disconnected from the rest of the world and from God. It is a low wooded area and is quite populated so there is enough custom to ply his trade and earn a good living, and also that this village is very different from the sect at Lantern Yard and this will help him to forget all the bad memories he posses from there. When Silas arrives in Raveloe for the first time the villages form impressions on Silas because not only are they both intellectually and physically slow they arse also very superstitious. This new person moving into the village also intrigues them. They find the way he works at his loom all day long with few breaks quite mysterious and not moving to scare away peeping scoundrels just to stare at them without a mumble of a word, they suspected that this stare gave the children or even adults a disease that would paralyse them or even kill them. They already knew that Silas had learnt about herbal remedies and this struck both fascination and fear into them. The ladies in Raveloe know that he is in not interested in them or he never lets anyone over his doorstep to talk or never goes for a quiet drink in the pub. Silas sits at his loom working all day because he has nothing left to do, while doing this he becomes quite prosperous. The gold that he earns replaces everything that he had from Lantern Yard. The rhythm and framework has gone from his life ever since he was banished from the sect. He lost all his belief in God, lost and any routine that he once might have had but now all he is left with is his loom and gold. The routine that he had is now replace by the counting of his gold, he enjoys doing this because it is warm and soft to touch, another reason we are given for his counting of the gold is he thinks that gold cannot betray him like his old friends did. George Eliot uses two references to natural imagery in the early chapters of the book. She explains about Silass weaving pattern by saying, He seemed to weave, like the spider, from pure impulse, without a minuets reflection. He used the weavers chair as a comfort zone where he relaxed and freed himself of bad feelings. She described his life after the sect to be like a rivulet. An old drying up, small stream that is leading to nowhere or not coming from anywhere.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

5 Seasonal Jobs for People Who Dont Want to Work in Retail

5 Seasonal Jobs for People Who Dont Want to Work in Retail Hoping to snag a seasonal job to bump up your income for the end of the year- but don’t want to end up in an elf costume or folding sweaters all weekend long? Retail gigs are great, of course, but if they’re not your particular extra-spending-money cup of tea this season, there are still available seasonal gigs that might be. Here are 5 great examples of seasonal jobs that have nothing to do with retail.1. Election ClerkThis is a temporary, part-time job around election time. Look into your county or state’s Board of Elections and see if they are planning to hire any extra help. If you’re organized, reliable, efficient, and into democracy, this could be a great option for you.2. Seasonal Sports InstructorIf you’re good at a sport and a good teacher, this is a great way to make a little extra scratch. Say it’s summer and you’re great at fly fishing. Or it’s the holidays and you’re an accomplished skier. This could be a gre at way of combining one of your favorite activities with the chance to earn some bonus cash.3. Tax AssociateTax season is just around the corner, believe it or not. At least, it’s not too early to start casting your net if you’re a tax prep guru and looking for a seasonal gig at tax time.4. Admissions ReaderEver wonder how all those colleges and universities read through all of the applications they’re sent? They don’t! (Well, they do, just not every single one as carefully as possible.) Find an institution with rolling admissions or transfer admissions and see what the relevant opportunities might be.5. HR AdminEver wonder who vets and hires all this temporary, seasonal help? Often human resources departments will take on extra team members to help them process extra applications at busy times. Take advantage of the seasonal economy growing!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Choose one from the document that i uploaded Essay

Choose one from the document that i uploaded - Essay Example The recently established Securities and Exchange Commission has already charged more than a hundred culprits in crisis related cases as of July 18 this year. The federal law enforcers focus mainly on placing civil charges instead of criminal penalties against senior executive officials from the Wall Street business organizations. In the process of seeking justice in the United States economy, the federal law enforcers were forced to carry out in depth investigations in the American financial industry. Currently their mandate is to assess the current policies and modify the set of orders. The clock is quickly ticking and the law enforces have no other role rather than to finally make sure justice is attained in the American economy (Kuttner 243). According to the report written by Williams, it is evident that during the economic crisis, individuals vandalized the economic stability through fraud. According to the report which was featured by the Reuters and the Bloomberg, rigging was done on the LIBOR, i.e. the London interbank offered rate. This had a major repercussion on the returns that the banks were to make and in turn, the amount that was to go to the state. So much rigging would obviously be reflected in the state’s economic balance. Additionally, corruption and impunity masked the entire process since traces to the lost money

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

There are questions which I need to answer in assignment criteria Essay

There are questions which I need to answer in assignment criteria - Essay Example There have been numerous occasions where the university has been put forward in the brink of various outrages by the students as well as the professors due to political indifference. The political indifference resulted in the mass scale evasion of classes. After the intervention by Margaret Thatcher the political instability was quelled back (Warren, Reeve and Fess, 2005). In order to repel back the political instability large scale changes were made in the management and administrative level. The changes in the administrative and the management level is an indication of the long standing commitment of the university towards the creation of a better administrative system which is free from the political prejudice. Apart from that the other reasons was to transform the university as one of the torch bearers of educational prowess. 9 5.0 Analysis of the current strategic situation 9 5.1 Threat of potential entrants 10 5.2 Threat of suppliers 11 5.3 Threat of substitutes 11 5.4 Bargaini ng power of buyers 12 5.5 Threat of industry rivalry 13 6.0 Evaluation of the internal resources and capabilities within the context of Resource Based View 13 7.0 Synopsis of the strategic situation of London South Bank University 15 8.0 Strategic directions for the future 15 8.1 Exploration of a limited range of strategic options 15 8.2 Evaluation and assessment of the strategic choices 16 8.3 Application of Ansoff’s growth strategies 16 9.0 Recommendations 18 It is recommended that London South bank University follow Porter’s generic strategy. This kind of strategy will help to achieve an all around development in both improvements of the service as well as the improvement of the market. The new educational services will include devising a set of new course wares. These course wares will be developed to facilitate in the learning process of the students. Such course wares are in serious needs for students coming from abroad. The new course wares will include material s that will speed up the learning ability of the students coming from different international countries. The existing educational services and course wares will undergo developments for inclusion of features that were missing in the earlier version and at the same time the prices will be slashed. The development of the educational services and market base of the students is only the tip of the ice berg. The real effort lies in achieving educational excellence and operational excellence. The introduction of new course wares and new students will lead to the opening up of new institutes and more learning centre. This will call for more effort to manage such large swathes of students. So here in lies the need to improve the operational aspect of London South Bank University. The other recommendations are improvisation includes the research and business and enterprise wing of London South bank University. Both of these areas need extensive capital resources. The availability of the incr eased capital resources in these two departments will lead to the swift take off of different types of research projects. 18 Reference List 19 1.0 Introduction Strategic development is all about applying the most appropriate measures in order to adapt to the present situation and at same time controlling the outcome in the future. The company or

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Discrimination education Essay Example for Free

Discrimination education Essay ?Early years providers regardless of type, size or funding must comply with the legal requirements set out within the Early Years Foundation Stage ( EYFS) so as to meet the needs of all children within the setting (DCSF 2008a, p11). The objective of this report is to critically evaluate the Special Educational Needs Policy used in a setting which support anti discriminatory practice and promote inclusion (appendix 2). Within the context of a faith based early years setting in Dewsbury. The Warnock Report (Special Educational Needs1978) introduced the concept of ‘inclusion’ in the form of ‘integration’ with regard to children with special educational needs, suggesting that mainstream settings would be preferable to ‘Special Schools’. Gates and Edwards (2007) outline, prior to this report, the terms â€Å"Handicapped† or â€Å"Educationally subnormal† were acceptable terms, based on an apparent culture of a medical model, where the disabled person is the problem, governed by their disability. An example might be a child labelled with Down ’s syndrome as their identifying features, instead of their name (Courtman 2010). As legislation has continued to develop, so have attitudes towards disability. The Disability Discrimination Act 2005, set out duties for employers and many public services. Further changes arose from the Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001. It became unlawful to discriminate against disabled children, and by 2004, â€Å" reasonable adjustments † were expected to improve access within the physical environment, for disabled people. The introduction of the Children Act 2004 saw the introduction of the Every Child Matters (ECM) (DCFS 2008d). In addition the publication Removing Barriers to Achievement (DCSF 2004) reinforced the ECM commitment relating to early intervention and support. The setting The Pre-School was registered in 2002 and is managed by a voluntary management committee, incorporating an Islamic Ethos. The setting provides sessional care for the local community and surrounding areas. The children who attend the setting are predominantly Muslim; and there are no children with special educational needs (SEN). Promoting equality of opportunity for all is limited within the setting; this is due to the management and practitioners’ negative attitudes towards children with additional needs. Causey et al (2000 p. 33-45) believes influencing factors that can affect the way practitioners’ view diversity and difference is prior knowledge and beliefs about others. Shah (1995) identifies stereotypical views practitioners may have is that children with SEN should be cared for by the family and outside support would mean that they are failing in their duty. These beliefs and views can create barriers to inclusion, a recent research conducted by Contact a Family identified: â€Å"70% of families with disabled children said that understanding and acceptance of disability from their community or society is poor or unsatisfactory†. (Disability Action 2010, online) The social stigma of having a child with a disability still exists. It has been argued that some Asian and black communities perceive disability as a â€Å"curse† and therefore will not allow the child to be assessed (Ali et al 2006). In addition communication and collaboration may be affected by cultural issues. Salim (2005) explains it is unacceptable for strict Muslim women to be in the presence of a male without her husband. This could present difficulties in setting up home- school communication and a flexible approach would need to be taken (Roffey, 2001). Furthermore the EYSTEN study (Sammons et al, 2003) identified ethnic minority groups and boys showed a greater ‘risk’ of developing SEN. Moreover (Warnock 2005, p. 11) Identified a clear link between social class, deprivation and SEN, in his study Emerson (2010, online) concluded a lower socioeconomic position was linked to an increased rate of intellectual difficulties. Language, social stigma and the lack of education can create barriers for parents to access the support required, this intern leads to adverse affects for the child and family, leading to a cycle of disadvantage and disparity. Policy Evaluation In order for settings to comply with legislation and meet specific requirements in accordance with the EYFS, settings are required to produce and implement effectual policies which encompass â€Å"equality of opportunity† and for supporting children with â€Å"learning difficulties and disabilities† (DCSF 2008a) in addition if settings are in receipt of Nursery Education Funding they must have regard to the Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice 2001 (DCSF 2008a, p. 25). The setting in this report does not have a specific inclusion policy however; the setting does encompass a Special Needs Policy. On examination of the policy major discrepancies were identified. It was recognised the policy (appendices 1-3) appeared to be less then successful, owing to the lack of information, compliance with legislation, and being ineffectually written, leading to misunderstanding of statements (Hughes and Ferrret 2009, p. 32). Capmbell (1997) supports this view reiterating poorly written policies are often broad general and ambiguous. Furthermore the policy was written in 2002, hence established before the EYFS, this has had a negative influence on the content of the policy. The EYFS used as a resource sets out the required legislation, regulation and guidelines which should be incorporated within the settings policies (DCSF 2008b). It is the duty of all practitioners to promote equality and remove discrimination (Daley et al 2009) explains unfair treatment and not allowing equal chances and access to services could amount to unlawful discrimination. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and 2005 (DDA) (online) sets out two main duties: †¢ Not to treat disabled children less favourably †¢ To make reasonable adjustments for disabled children Additionally Section 2 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 (SENDA) (online) prohibits educational settings from discriminating against children with additional needs from their admissions arrangements. The setting’s SEN policy (appendix 1: statement 4. 7) makes a direct contradiction to the DDA and SENDA by only allowing children with a disability admission if the setting can accommodate the child, rather than the setting making reasonable adjustment in order to include the child, furthermore the child who has a disability is being treated unfairly, as the child would only be admitted after extensive consultations (appendix 1: 4. 1). This is a very dated attitude in terms of legislation and shows a direct influence towards the medical model of disability. The medical model focuses on the disability, expecting the child to make adjustments or adapt to circumstances; it presents the disabled person as a problem (Carson 2009, online). Additionally this stance is a direct negation to the proposals made by the Warnock Report (1978), later embodied in the 1981 Education Act (online), which recognised that educating children with additional needs separate from their peers was denying them their rights to equal access. Dryden et al (2007, p.186) elucidates, by focussing on the child’s abilities, and the provision of modifications and support will enable inclusion and participation. This view is known as the social model whereby the emphasis is on how society can change to allow equal opportunities for children with disabilities opposed to the person trying to fit in to society. Shakespeare and Watson (2002, p. 3) concur the social model has now become the ideological test of disability to differentiate between organisations, policies, laws and ideas which are progressive, and those which are inadequate. Drifte (2008, p. 4) emphasises the importance of practitioners to review policies to ensure that they are based on the social model of inclusion. However more recently Hodkinson and Vickerman (2009) explicate the social model has become subject to critique from parents and practitioners. The view that all children with additional needs should be integrated into mainstream settings, by way of adjustments made to the setting, may hinder the children’s development. Griffin (2008) explains integration for some children with additional needs is unrealistic as they may not be able to cope with the demands of mainstream settings. Additionally Warnock (2005) changed her opinion criticising the governments policy on inclusion warning, the closure of special schools has â€Å"forced† children into mainstream school when it is not in their best interest, causing distress for pupils and parents. The Nursery Education and Grant Maintained Schools Act 1996 (cited in Roffey 2001,p.14) and the EYFS statutory guidance (DCSF 2008a) specifies all early years providers must have â€Å"due regard† to the code of practice for SEN. The SEN Code of Practice (DfES 2001) brings together elements from the Children Act 1989, Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 by providing guidance and placing responsibilities on settings. The SEN Code of Practice provides a consistent approach to meeting children’s special educational needs and gives practical guidance to early education settings on identifying and assessing children with SEN (DCSF 2009). The SEN policy does not cite the SEN Code of Practice, a direct breach of the aforementioned act; it however identifies the need to comply with the LEA code of practice but overlooks the explanation of what this code is, and how it would be implemented. Furthermore the policy has no explanation on the assessment process, such as the Graduated response, Early Years Action, Early Years Action Plus, Statutory Assessment and the Statementing Process (DfES 2001). Although reference is made to observing and keeping records for children with additional needs, there is no clarification of their purpose. In addition the policy fails to explain what is meant by SEN this can cause confusion as some parent’s or practitioners may believe children with English as a second language may be classed as a child with SEN, however children should not be regarded as having additional needs solely because their heritage language is different from what they are taught in (DfES 2001, p. 6). what is sen Although the policy states a SEN coordinator will be appointed it does not identify who this is and what the SEN coordinator’s role is. The policy recognises the need for additional funds to accommodate children with SEN through external funding although there is no clarification of procedures if these funds were not acquired. Even though guidelines are not in the policy, it is likely that practitioners are aware of the SEN Code of Practice 2001 and implement this within the setting. Training is suggested within the policy but does not work effectively in practice, due to staff ratios, time constraints and financial implications. In addition no staff members have attended training specific to SEN. Conclusion Policies are working documents, which develop and move alongside the childcare settings own professional development and are a reflection of that childcare provision. The policies used within the setting not only disregard legislation but are also contradictory and confusing for practitioners to use as a working document. The policy has been written and produced by the management committee with no input from practitioners or parents. In addition some of the statements conflict with practitioners’ own views on anti discriminatory and inclusive practice; this has developed a divergence between the committee’s attitude and the practitioner’s values and beliefs. Therefore the practitioners’ have not used the policies set out to define their practice with children but challenged the anti discriminatory practice by applying the guidelines set out within the EYFS. Woods and Thomas (2003) recognise their is a greater ability for practitioners to re-evaluate and challenge anti discriminatory practice at a cultural level however the changing of others attitudes can be difficult but not impossible. Article 23 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) (UNICEF 2007, online) recognise the disability of a child should not reduce the child’s right to education and children with any kind of disability has the right to special care and support. â€Å"Equality of opportunity means that each individual in society experiences opportunities to achieve and flourish which are as good as the opportunities experienced by others† (Griffin 2008, p. 12).

Friday, November 15, 2019

Big Daddy: A Movie Depicting a Father and Son relationship :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adam Sandler used bad manners and used profanity in front of his son. His values were messed up. He didn't have any conscience what so ever and he had very few morals if any. His son picked a lot of bad habits from his father; like laughing when someone got hurt, urinating in public, and bad manners. His father also argued with people in front of his son.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adam Sandler’s emotion, passion, determination, perseverance made him a good father. He gave his son a lot of experiences that helped go through a lot that will make his son stronger mindset good or bad. He was honest to his son and he spoke his mind to his son. He gave his son enough freedom, but still was able to guide in the way to be successful. He was an active father and he spent a lot of time with his son doing a lot of activities to together. He loved his son more than anything in the world. He prevented son from becoming obese by going outside with them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adam Sandler improved a lot from when he first had to take care of Julian. At first he did not teach his son proper hygiene habits and his son smelled horrible, but by the movie his son was bathed regularly. At first he was behaving horrible in front of his son, but by the end of the movie he was making a positive impact on his neighborhood with his son. Sandler began to realize that his own poor behavior had a negative effect on Julian’s behavior. He also showed more hospitality at home with Julian by sharing the TV with him and letting watch his movie while the hockey game was on/   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I would not done that much differently if I was put in the same situation, considering how hard of situation it was. I would never claimed to be someone I really wasn’t. I thought Sandler was a good father all things considered. It’s hard to raise a kid when you’re not his biological father because the kid usually doesn’t trust his non-biological father as much as his biological father. I might have not embarrassed myself and not set a bad example for my kids. There are certain characteristics necessary to being a good parent. A good must have patience and tolerance always especially when his child is overtired making him misbehave.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Macbeths feelings

Macbeth feels great remorse and guilt for the act that he lust committed. He wash's very much that he did not kill the King and this Is shown through his excerpts in Act 2 scene 2. He describes his hands as being a ‘sorry sight' for they are drenched in the King's blood. The blood is has a very symbolic meaning for Macbeth as the blood does not just show that he has killed the King but also that he has shown shame towards the one closest to God, and that it has now been proven that he must go ahead with being crowned King.He constantly suffers psychologically and contemplates that people will find out about his killing of the King and explains that he heard a voice saying that he has killed sleep so he will ‘sleep no more'. He starts acting very nervous towards the people around him, especially the servants who he killed when he saw them straight away. He explains to Macadam that it is not possible to feel ‘wise, amazed, temperate and furious, loyal and neutral' all at once, and that he just killed them because he saw the daggers in their hands and It would not be fair If they survived.Macbeth over exaggerates his murder eying that the blood from his hands will turn the oceans ‘green to red' and that ‘Neptune ocean would never clean his hands of this act'. Macbeth is starting to act guilty towards the murder and he is regretting largely what he did. There are also streaks of fear in his thinking patterns when he says to Lady Macbeth that he is ‘afraid to think what I have done', being the King's slaughter. These comments from Macbeth explain to us that he really does feel great remorse for killing the high Liege and that hopes no one will ever find out his horrendous crime

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Analyse Reverend Parris Essay

Analyse Reverend Parris and his motivations in supporting the witch trials.  The crucible play is set in 17th century Puritan Massachusetts in America. This would have meant the area would be fairly newly inhabited by immigrants and there still might be problems from Native Americans. The society probably would have been quite close-knit and any accusations of witchcraft would easily have resulted in hysteria in a way that was only possible in modern days because of the media. Reverend Parris would have had many reasons for supporting the witch trials. Most of these were selfish and for protection of his own image, which he needed to do because in the setting of the Salem Witch Trials peoples image were their most important aspect, we know this because the first three people to be accused of witchcraft were all social misfits such as Osborn who, â€Å"was old, quarrelsome, and had not attended church for over a year.† Other reasons included jealousy, especially of Proctor who in his presence â€Å"a fool felt his foolishness instantly†. As well as this there was his duty as a Reverend First we know Parris was very greedy because he wanted things like â€Å"golden candle sticks† on his preaching altar, even though his church is Puritan and therefore meant to be very simple â€Å"their creed forbade anything resembling a theatre or ‘vain enjoyment'†. This may also have been a motivation for supporting the witch trials because the land of people like John Proctor would have been seized after he was hung. Reverend Parris was also very paranoid about his position in the town and about conspiracies to ‘drive him from his pulpit’. Another piece of evidence from the play that portrays his paranoia is that he ‘felt insulted if someone rose to shut the door without first asking his permission’. This shows paranoia because he thinks the slightest mistake in his presence is made as a serious insult. All of this is backed up by how Miller describes him with â€Å"he believed he was being persecuted wherever he went†. This is the second motivation for supporting the trials because if he destroys all his opposition by having them hung or sent to prison for witchcraft his own public standing will be safe. This theory is also basically what the whole Salem witch trials play is about, because all the way through we see a repetition of people blaming others to save their skins. A perfect example of this is on ‘HTTP://’ where it describes a very desperate Mary â€Å"Mary becomes completely desperate and turns on John Proctor, saying that he is in league with the Devil.† We know already Parris is very selfish and also very keen to protect and even increase his self image. So when witch craft is first mentioned he becomes very nervous and tries to stop any talk of the subject, ‘put out all thoughts of unnatural forces’. This could be for several reasons. First he wants to protect Abigail, although from what we have seen of the Parris character so far he probably is not that bothered about this. The main reason for Parris wanting people not to talk about the witchcraft is because if Abigail, who is his own Niece, is linked to witchcraft then he may be driven from his pulpit by the conspiracy group he thinks is already fighting him. There is even the possibility that Abigail could be seen as a Harlot after Proctor accuses it and it becomes clear that the reason for Abigail’s grudge against the Proctors is because she was put â€Å"out for a harlot†. We know that he thinks there is a conspiracy group because of the quote, â€Å"there is a faction†. When he finally does realise that the talk of witchcraft is inevitable he starts to support the trials to try and take the blame from Abigail and on to her so called bewitchers. He also knows if the trial fails and Abigail is labelled a liar then the entire family may be known as liars, this in turn would be devastating to his already troubled career. The final motivation for Reverend Parris supporting the witch trials is jealousy. Jealousy is obviously one of Parris’ characteristics and he is jealous of John Proctor. Reverend Parris would have several reasons for being jealous of Proctor; firstly he is well respected in the Salem community, ‘Proctor, respected and feared’, this cannot be said for Parris, Proctor is also quite wealthy with a lot of land and for a greedy Parris the prospect of seizing this would be very appealing! The final reason for Parris being jealous of Proctor and maybe even hating him is that Proctor is simply a good and honest man. Then there is Parris who ‘there is very little good to be said of him’. Reverend Parris is meant to be a respectful member of Puritan society. However, before he moved to Salem he was a sugar plantation owner, owned slaves (such as Tituba) and was thought to have been a credit agent for other plantation owners. This quite shrewd and probably selfish personality shows in the crucible for instance when Abigail runs away he doesn’t care for her but says â€Å"thirty one pound is gone† then says â€Å"I am penniless†. This evaluation provides a good background to why Parris supported the witch trials.  So overall Parris supports the Salem Witch trails because of a mixture of jealousy of Proctor, protecting his and his families image, a hatred of heathens and therefore witches, paranoia about the danger of his position as local Reverend and possibly the most important reason of all†¦ is his greed. He wanted more pay and even gold candlesticks for his altar.

Friday, November 8, 2019

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest essays

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest essays Not too many books take you into the world of mental illness. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey does. It is told through the eyes of a mental patient named Chief Bromden. He is a northwest Indian, who is disturbed with hallucinations about machines taking over the world he knows. The mental hospital is in Oregon; a Nurse Ratched, has machine like control of everyone and everything in the ward. The only hint of her humanity is the fact that she posseses very large breasts, which she keeps tucked away under her neat-as-a-pin white uniform. The Chief has been there the longer than anyone except for Ratched. He uses this to his advantage by making the other people in the ward think he is deaf and dumb. Life in the ward is quiet until a new patient is admitted. His name is Radall Patrick McMurphy and he is a redheaded brute who smells of sweat, work, dirt and dust. He starts in by disrupting everything familiar in the ward, the silence, the admitting showers, and the way the black boys bully the patients around. He quickly makes friends with everyone including the Chronics who are vegetable like patients. McMurphy is a gambling man who insist that he wanted to come to the ward for an easier life than the one he had at work camp where he previously stayed. One of his first bets with the other patients is to make Ratched lose control of the ward without giving her an excuse to punish him. McMurphy leads the patients through numerous confrontations with the staff. He soon learns he cant leave the hospital without Ratcheds approval, so he begins to obey her rules. By raising hopes he hasnt fulfilled he leaves the patients worse off than before. One becomes so depressed he drowns himse lf. McMurphy plans a fishing trip for the ward and talks to Chief about it. The Chief speaks for the first time in years about the Combine his world of the machines, the government, his own mother, who destroy freedom in favo...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Canadian Governments Fiscal Year

Canadian Government's Fiscal Year If youve ever dealt with publicly-traded companies or government entities, you know that they keep a different calendar for things such as quarterly earnings and budget  reporting. In most cases (but not all), the fiscal year calendar they follow isnt the standard January 1 through December 31. For the purposes of bookkeeping and financial reporting, companies and governments in most countries follow whats known as a fiscal year. Simply put, a fiscal year is the financial year of an organization for accounting purposes. Its a 52-week period that doesnt end on Dec. 31. The fiscal year for most American companies, especially those listed on a public stock exchange, is typically July 1 to June 30.   The calendar a company or organization follows is what determines how its taxes and expenditures are calculated by taxing bodies such as the Internal Revenue Service in the U.S. or the Canada Revenue Agency in Canada.   Canadas Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Canadian federal government and the countrys provincial and territory governments is April 1 to March 31, just like most other British commonwealths (and Britain itself). This is different than the tax year for Canadian citizens, however, which is the standard January 1 to December 31 calendar year. So if youre paying personal income taxes in Canada, youll follow the calendar year. There are some circumstances under which a Canadian business may request a change to its fiscal year calendar. This requires a written appeal to the Canada Revenue Service, and it cant be done just to get a particular tax advantage or for reasons of convenience. If youre seeking a change to your fiscal year, be prepared to explain why to the CRA. Heres an example of a potentially valid reason for changing a companys fiscal year: Joes Swimming Pool Supply and Repair Company operates 12 months out of the year, but he sells fewer swimming pools and does fewer maintenance calls in the winter than in the spring and summer. For Joe, it makes fiscal sense for him to operate on a fiscal year calendar that more closely aligns with the natural cycle of the business. Reasons for a Fiscal Year Calendar For companies that are legally required to have their financial returns audited, it may be more cost-effective to hire auditors and accountants at a slower time of year, when tax preparers are in lower demand. Thats not the only reason to follow an alternate calendar. For school districts, following a fiscal year that closely matches the school year (July 1 to June 30, for example) makes more sense than a calendar year that ends when the school year is barely half over. Retail businesses that see most of their revenue come in the form of holiday gift purchases may opt to include December and January in the same quarter for revenue reporting purposes, rather than letting December skew the entire years financial results.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Creativity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Creativity - Assignment Example Feeling self feels, takes a lot, is emotional, repressive, and supportive, likes to teach and is sensitive of others. Experimental self- imagines, is curious, likes surprises, speculates, and is impetuous takes risks (Korkmaz, 2014). Intelligence does not necessarily reflect in good thinking. This is true because an increase in the intelligence level can only lead to a better life, health, and the standard of living. Intelligence forms part of the good approach to life. Good or deep thinking in life it is not adequate to just react to events, and situations. It is correct that intelligence does not result in good thinking. Parading shift can involve change of the basic assumptions by aligning them in a way from one action to another. Parading shift can be so helpful for instance both in faith and businesses. For example in business or in the market place one can learn how deal with money by saving, keeping records for one self in order to refer in future and you can’t exclude budgeting. In faith you can gain spiritual activation, enlightenment, and healing. Parading shift is necessary for one to utilize. 4. Brainstorm and then describe a home environment that would foster creativity in people of all ages. Do two versions one where money is not a limiting factor, and do an analysis of the result: which version had the more creative ideas? Did have the constraints restrict or encourage your creative thinking. People usually become creative when the money is the secondary motivator to them. Money leads one or can motivate a person to discover incredible products, design great arts and even invent revolutionary firms in their environment. It doesn’t matter the age bracket of a person but money drives him/her to venture in it. When people have a good base for money that sets them comfortable, they use the monetary rewards to make them do the creative jobs perfectly. When there are no rewards that can demotivate a person

Friday, November 1, 2019

Varying European and Native Motives and the Collision of Cultures in Essay

Varying European and Native Motives and the Collision of Cultures in North America - Essay Example Through the clashing of these interests and motives, a collision of cultures sprung up in North America, resulting in the multicultural society that is North America. The conflicting motives began at the initial stages of European invasion of North America. In 1666, George Alsop asserted that poor Europeans should come to America as indentured servants bound by legal contracts that reflected debts or purchase obligation. On the contrary, Gottlieb Mittelberger was of the opinion that poor Europeans should not come to America as indentured servants. This thus paper explores the influence that the natives’ and the Europeans’ motives had on the collision of cultures in North America (Dudley & Chalberg, 1996). The Motives The clashing of the natives’ and the colonists’ interests and motives has been described by historians and political scientists as a major factor in the current collision of cultures in North America. In fact, the collision of cultures has per meated various aspects of peoples’ lives in North America including food, religion, law, political dispensation and art such as music and literature (Henretta & Brody, 2009). Importantly, it is noteworthy that the collision of cultures occurred as the largely diversified immigrants came from all corners of the world. The motives of the natives and the Europeans were equally diverse. While some of these immigrants came for economic reasons, others came for religious and political motives such as to colonize the Americas. Consequently, there had to be struggles among the natives and the Europeans who formed the bulk of the immigrants coming into North America. These collisions of cultures took different forms ranging from ethnic, religious, economic, and political dimensions. Importantly, it should be noted that the conflicting interests did not only pit native North Americans and the European immigrants against each other but there were also conflicts with African slaves in No rth America and the other nations with vested interests in North America (Henretta & Brody, 2009). Fortunately, the efforts made by all the stakeholders to reduce the cultural, political, religious, and economic conflicts of interests have made North America the multicultural society it is today. The European Colonization of North America The European colonization of North America and the enslavement of West Africans presented a collision of the three cultures that had been developing and existing at different lines since time immemorial. Central to the collision of these cultures were the various individual and collective/national ambitions and impulses of the European colonists and North American Natives. Among the goals targeted by the colonizers of the New World for which their ambitions were burning included long-standing demographic changes, religious expansion, international rivalries and economic gains. At the forefront in the efforts for religious changes were the Protestan t Reformists who wanted to spread their religion to the New World. The collision of cultures in North America thus not only yielded biological exchanges but also new religious dispensations that re-defined both the Old and New Worlds (Henretta & Brody, 2009). The attitudes of the immigrating colonizers towards the Native Americans and the African slaves were thus shaped by their

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hospice in Rural Countries Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hospice in Rural Countries - Research Paper Example Given the increasing statistical figures of families and patients who certainly will be facing the end-of-life crisis or issues, access to the hospice care has been a significant consideration. It has been found that the rural communities have been found to get the least access to the hospice care or a Medicare - certified hospice. In addition, the higher the number of physician found in the community shall likely to have easy access to the Medicare -certified hospice such as the urban or metropolitan. Moreover, the study shows that the number of physicians that can work in a Medicare-certified hospice can lower because of the need for the physician's certification of terminal illness. The findings show that the racial-ethnic diversity decreases from most rural places to least rural places or as the classification of the rural to urban communities progressed. The following is the table of the summary of the rural-urban, socioeconomic and physician rate variables. The computation of the median has been appropriate for this study to avoid enumeration of the numerous census data. The purpose of the calculation of the median is to approximate the middle value of every entry in the table such as the total number of the whites that resides in certain location. Table gives the reader an idea that on the average, the population of the whites living in a particular location is 84.4 or simply 84.4%. Table 1. Summary of the rate of available physician, socioeconomic, and rural-urbanclassification The above table provides the summary f the characteristics of the 3,140 counties. In 204, the census of the average county was 93,507 with the standard deviation of 304, 790. In terms of the median age of each county, on the average, was 37.3 years with the standard deviation of the 4.01. This means that the median age varies within the limits of + 4.01 and -4.01 values. The mean percentage of the population of the counties pertaining to those people who are above 65 years old was 14.76% and with the standard deviation of 4.17. On the other hand, the statistics pertaining to the people classified as under poverty line is 13.74% with the standard deviation of 5.59. The mean percentage of the minority groups such as the Hispanics and African Americans in counties were 8.76% and 6.18% respectively. The Hispanics mean percentage derives a standard deviation of 11.9 while the African Americans, 14.5% standard deviation value. Furthermore, according to the summary of characteristics of the particular counties, the physician rate reaches 12.61% with a standard deviation of 14.89. On the other hand, the mean quantity of the Medicare-certified hospice was 0.83 with standard deviation of 1.84. The significance of the values 18.99, 8.99, and 9.48 pertain to the rates of physician in the rural-urban classifications. This means that the metropolitan (most urban or least rural) has the most number of physicians qualified to work with the Medicare-certified hospice than the adjacent metro or rural areas (see figure 1). Figure 1. A comparison of MDs per 10,000 census, mean percentage of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Psychosocial Factor Depression Copd Health And Social Care Essay

Psychosocial Factor Depression Copd Health And Social Care Essay This supporting paper supports the presentation on the link between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and the psychosocial factor depression. The supportive paper will explore, define and conclude areas of which may influence the health and well-being of patients with COPD and the psychosocial depression factor. The discussion of depression tools, guidelines, statistics and the long term use of oxygen therapy and care pathways will also be explored in this supporting paper (Cornforth, 2012 and NICE, 2009c). The supporting paper will explore COPD and depression as a separate condition and then link the impact of health and well-being. COPD is a collective term used for emphysema and bronchitis and is primarily smoking related as a consequence this leads to progressive airflow obstruction (Booker, 2003). The symptoms of COPD patients include a debilitating cough, dyspnea, excess sputum, chest tightness, fatigue and frequent chest infections. COPDs insidiously developing character means that patients often do not present these symptoms until consequential irreversible damage has happened (Britton, 2002). According to Vermiere (2002) when diagnosis is finally made healthcare professionals may chastise COPD patients for smoking, and causing a self inflicted disease. In turn not much constructive advice maybe given to help COPD patients to manage their condition and medication may not be prescribed in the mistaken belief that medication would not be beneficially (Vermiere, 2002). Healthcare p rofessionals may also unjustly chastise COPD patients, as COPD can also be caused by long term inhalation of asbestos, coal dust and pollution. The lack advice and medication given to patients with COPD may have enormous impact on a patients health and well being (Lee, 2008). According to the Department of Health the condition COPD causes nearly 25,000 deaths per year in England and Wales, and in the years 2007 until 2009 4.8% of deaths were caused by COPD being the fifth greatest killer in the United Kingdom (DH, 2011). Depression is the word used to refer to a variety of mood disorders, a collection of clinical conditions that differentiates the sense of loss and control and a subjective experience of momentous distress (Lazarou et al, 2011). Depression is a wide and heterogeneous diagnosis and can be presented in a variety of different ways. The psychological symptoms may include a continual low mood, feeling hopeless, feeling tearful, feeling irritable and anxious, having low self esteem, no motivation, self harm and suicidal thoughts and having no enjoyment out of life. The physical symptoms may include speaking or moving slowly, weight loss or gain, lack of energy, lack of interest in sexually activities, disturbed sleep and unexplained aches and pains. The social symptoms include decreased job related activities, social withdrawal from family and friends and neglecting hobbies and interest (NICE, 2009a and Elsherif and Noble, 2011). According to the National Institute for Health and Clinical E xcellence (2009b) the depression disorder is generally known as a psychological response in patients with COPD and it can be found in 20% of COPD patients. Healthcare professionals have a duty of care, therefore the recognition of depression in COPD is paramount (NICE, 2009a). Such tools have been developed to aid practitioners to diagnosis depression, for example the Health nine-item Questionnaire (PHQ9) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), these tools are used so that the patient can be considered to see if they require drug or psychological support (Cornforth, 2012). The use of the diagnosis tools in COPD patients reduces the potential risk of an acute exacerbation. According to Jennings et al (2009) patients with COPD who suffer from depression are at a higher risk of an acute exacerbation in turn this may lead to an admission to hospital. COPD and depression may also be linked with the continual occurrences of admissions, and the extended stay in hospital (Yohanne, 2010). Furthermore depression along with COPD may reduce the desire to recover and comply with medication and medical treatment, in turn this could lead to a delay in the patients discharge from hospital (DiMatteo et al, 2004).The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) guidelines (World Health Organization, 2008a) and NICE guidelines (2009a) have highlighted the need for psychosocial factors such as depression to be diagnosis in COPD patients. The NICE care pathways are also available to help health care professionals identify, treat and manage depression in COPD patients (NICE, 2009c). The Department of Health defines health as A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (Department of Health 2010, P.7). The presence of COPD and the psychosocial depression factor is the major cause of morbidity, disability and mortality and this can have a physical, mental and social impact on patients lives (NICE, 2009b). Factors that may contribute to depression in COPD patients are weight loss, sleep deprivation and fitness levels. Weight loss is associated with COPD in particular the loss of fat as the disease progresses furthermore many patients lose weight as a consequence of decreased food intake as a result of dyspnea (Kelly 2007). In addition poor quality of sleep is frequent in COPD patients for numerous reasons. Firstly, coughing and excessive mucus may interrupt the onset of sleep, particularly since these symptoms may be worsened in the supine position. Breathlessness may also be worsened by the position and COPD patients may have numerous incidents of nocturnal dyspnea, which causes recurring awakenings (George and Bayliff, 2003). Finally COPD patients may avoid physical exercise or exc essive hard work due to the unpleasant symptoms of breathlessness, as a result the patients fitness levels may reduce and this may lead to muscle weakness which increases disability, dyspnea, loss of confidence and social isolation (Booker, 2005). According to Yohanne (2010) the chronic character of COPD and its related stigma can also lead to social isolation. COPD patients with chronic hypoxaemia rely on long term oxygen therapy (LTOT) to increase their survival rate. However the psychological effects it has on patients daily living are somewhat restricted in their capability to participate in indoor and outdoor activities, resulting in the patient suffering from depressive symptoms. Patients with chronic hypoxaemia who rely on LTOT for survival suffer from a diminishing quality of life and are susceptible to emotional lability, loneliness and social isolation in turn this may lead to clinical depression (Yohannes, 2010). The Department of Health defines wellbeing as A positive state of mind and body, feeling safe and able to cope, with a sense of connection with people, communities and the wider environment (Department of Health 2010, P.7) COPD and the psychosocial factor depression can not only affect every aspect of a sufferers life but it can have enormous impact on the sufferers family lives. The ability to cope with the loss of an active role in their family and society and the loss of intimacy and functional impairment is considered a burden to a patients state of mind (Gray et al, 2009).The British Lung Foundation (2005) carried out a survey regarding COPD patients daily activities, and the findings were 90% of patients with severe COPD were unable to do their gardening, 66% were unable to go on holiday and 33% had disabling breathlessness all factors that increase depressive symptoms. Patients with COPD who suffer from a disability can eventually become reliant on others to carry out every aspect of daily living this may include personal hygiene and grooming, functional transfers, eating and drinking, medicine management, bowel and bladder management and managing money as a result this can have a enormous impac t on a patients mental well being in turn this may result in clinical depression (Mooney and OBrien 2006 and Gray et al 2009). A patients state of mind and the ability to cope with COPD may cause the patient to experience negative thoughts and feelings such as feeling guilty, loss of independence, low self esteem and a sense of worthlessness they frequently criticise themselves for lacking in confidence, feeling irritable, impatient and frustrated all the factors may contribute to clinical depression. In some circumstances patients with depression and COPD may cause injury to themselves, experience suicidal thoughts and in extreme circumstances may attempt suicide (NICE 2009a and Gray et al 2009). This supporting paper has supported the presentation on the link between COPD and the psychosocial depression factor. The supportive paper has explored, defined and concluded areas of which influence the health and well-being of patients with COPD and the psychosocial depression factor. To conclude the main focal points, COPD is the fifth greatest killer in the United Kingdom and as a mortality rate of 25,000 per year (DH, 2011). Twenty percent of patients with COPD suffer from depression with extreme symptoms of self harm and suicide (NICE 2009a, NICE 2009b and Gray et al 2009). The symptoms of both COPD and depression have been emphasised to highlight the need for diagnosis tools, guidelines and care pathways. The main importance of this paper is the physical, mental, social, state of mind and ability to cope with COPD and depression and the impact it has on the patients lives (Cornforth 2012 and NICE 2009c). Word count 1374 References/References in text and headings and quotes 699 Total word count 2073

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Case for Torture :: Michael Levin Ethics

I seek to provide an analysis on Michael Levin's article on "The Case for Torture." This article mainly articulates that the use of torture is necessary in order to safeguard the lives of the many innocents and is justifiable. In his given example, he argues that the mass murder of millions of innocent people by a terrorist justifies the use of torture to stop such an extreme barbaric act. Indeed this is a question of moral on the action of inflicting pain. Take a look at the scenario of a war. We will never say that it is immoral to let out soldiers kill or inflict pain on the enemies in a war because we know that it is the only way to safeguard our nation's sovereignty and the lives of our people. The motives are very clear as mentioned. Thus it is justifiable to let our soldiers kill those who intended to harm the lives of our citizens. When a terrorist has clearly intended to harm the lives of millions, why is it not justified then, to inflict pain on the terrorist, with the mot ive of wanting to protect the lives of many more innocent people? Surely it is! Take a look at this argument: Constitution seeks to protect the interest of one's rights. To torture a person is to breach that protection of interest. Therefore, Torture is unconstitutional. Torturing is however, unconstitutional only when the motives behind it are deemed reasonably immoral. We should then of course not inflict pain mainly just to force the other party to confess the truth to a matter if he does not wish to. But what if the truth will then lead to the location of say, a timed-bomb, which will then be diffused in time to prevent an entire office block to collapse, bringing with it a thousand or more lives? Should the constitution then continue to protect the terrorist against such torture? The author said that millions of lives outweigh constitutionality. Surely it is not justiable for a constitution to uphold the rights of a terrorist, but at the expense of the thousands that, t oo, holds the right to live never asked to be placed in such danger. Again, the moral of one's action must be reviewed in such cases. On a personal note, I feel that to sacrifice one that is convicted, in exchanged for the many innocents, is a permissible one.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing Techniques Essay

The main thing behind marketing in a business is finding the customer’s needs and produce the product/ services to satisfy their needs, this way the customer can choose what they would want included in their product/ service. A business that follows this rule is market-orientated. There is alternatives orientation for businesses, these are; The production concept: This is where the business produces in large quantities and distribute in bulk, this is so the customer/ business get the products cheaper as they will be bulk buying. A business that would do this is Walkers. They make thousands of packets and then sells them to large business such as Tesco, Tesco would be able to buy it for cheaper as they will be buying in a very large amount as they can stock allot of products. However charity shops will sell their products and with the entire surplus they send it off to the charity. An example of this is Oxfam, they will sell their products to the public and with all the surplus is sent off to the project they are currently on. The sales concept: Businesses need to know how to sell their products/ services. If they don’t know how to the business is likely to fail but if a business knows how to sell its goods/ sieves then it is likely to be successful. A type of sales technique is hard selling nor Tesco or Oxfam hard sell but businesses such as Anglian, Everest and Safestyle are usually hard sellers trying to get you to buy double glazing. As you can see some of the sales reps in these businesses have lied about the business just so they can close sales with people on the spot. The marketing Concept: Marketing concept is different to sales and production as it has to take every step with keeping customers in mind as marketing is based around customer’s needs and wishes. An example for this is Tesco they do this with their Tesco Club card every time you shop you swipe your card and the system knows what the customer purchased, so to bring back the customer they will mail you some vouchers which then makes the customer want to come back into the store and shop again. Another business that uses marketing is Curry’s when you purchase something the sales assistant take down your home address so if they have any offers which are similar to what you bought will send you letter informing you about any offers. Marketing definitions: Basic definition of marketing is meeting customer needs and wants profitably. Marketing consists of identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. Objectives: Private sector The objectives for a private sector business are to maximise profits and expand all over the world. An example for a private sector business is Tesco. They have businesses in the UK and in America called Fresh & Easy. In the screen shot you can see Tesco’s objectives. Public sector The objectives for a public sector business are to provide quality service for the public. An example for this is the NHS as they provide health care for everyone. In the screenshot you can see NHS’s objectives. Voluntary sector The voluntary sector businesses objectives are to raise money for good causes. An example of this is Oxfam they aid anyone to donate any goods so they can sell them and send the money they produce from the goods they sell given to the public to projects they are currently on. As you can see this is one of Oxfam’s shops where they sell goods that have been donated by the public. Organisational objective This is a target for the whole business no matter how big it is. A good example of this is Tesco, Tesco’s objective may be to increase market share to 51%. Marketing objective This is how you are going to achieve it e.g. increase Tesco value products Tesco can produce their own products such as Ben & Jerry ice-cream they can produce a Tesco value version as some people may not be able to afford  £4 ice-cream so the people can buy the alternative which would help Tesco increase their profits. Link between organisational objectives and marketing objectives Marketing objectives shouldn’t be contradicting a business’s main objective, but should be contributing in achieving that. A business will not succeed if it’s been pulled apart in two different directions. An example of this is if Tesco want to increase their sales by a certain percentage then different functional areas have to contribute to achieve this such as advertising they may advertise products that are on offer or any seasonal products e.g. Christmas, new years or valentines. Tesco’s could also send out more offers with their Club Card meaning more customers may shop i n the business. By this way Tesco will be informing a lot more people that they have sales on which might bring more customers into the business. Market leadership This is where a business has the most market share in a given product or service, this could be measured by the amount of goods sold or the value of those goods. If a business wants to become a market leader they need to be 51% or more in sales for it to become a market leader. For example, Tesco is the leading supermarket in the supermarket market place as you can see in this screenshot (January 2012). Charity do no compete with market share as they all have similar aims and objectives but need maximum funds to stay in operation. Some charities will be more valuable then others depending on how much donations they receive. Oxfam is at the top along with cancer research UK, British Heart Foundation and many more. Brand awareness Brand awareness is making people aware of the business and what they do/ sell. Brand awareness is the NHS’s number one objective, they want all of Great Britain’s public to know what they do. Brand awareness may be an individual product or the whole business itself. Tesco may advertise their Tesco club card so people are more aware of the club card you can get when you sign up with them. Perceptions of customers A customer’s perception of a business or a brand often affects their purchasing decision. An example of this is a business might have a lot of brand awareness but their products might not be of the highest quality. This will make the customer not want to come back into the store as they are paying for a cheap quality product. Tesco has a reputation of selling goods a cheap price to everyone, if they start selling their products higher than their competitors then they are likely to lose out on customers and sales which are why they try keep their prices as low as possible. People may also decide to shop at Oxfam for clothes rather than buying clothes from the high street as they know their money goes to good use. Techniques: Growth strategies Businesses grow through their products/ services every time they put a product on the market more and more people will find out about the product. For example Tesco have been using growth strategies as they are expanding with their services, such as Tesco Money, you can now have a credit card with Tesco which people who may don’t normally do not shop at Tesco may have their Tesco credit card. Oxfam use growth strategies through advertising. Every time they advertise someone new will hear about Oxfam and how they are helping to take people out of poverty in third world countries. Survival strategies This is important for all business if they want to keep operating. The reason why Tesco are expanding into different markets is in case one market fails them they have other services which will help them keep out of making a loss for example if Tesco started making cars and sold a few thousand but then was not successful. They are likely to start making a loss but as they are successful in other markets they are unlikely that they would shut down. With Oxfam with all their stores open they can use them stores to survive. Branding Business need to have a strong brand image in order for them to survive. Providing high customer service will increase the brand image. Advertising is also a factor to increase the brand image. Tesco and Oxfam both have a very strong brand image as they are at the top of their tables Tesco is globally a very well known business and Oxfam is also globally well know as they operate in the UK and in third world countries. Relationship marketing Building a relationship with customers is very important for the business as they will think that the business cares about them. Tesco can build relationships with its customers at the tills, the cashier can communicate with the customer building a positive relationship. This is also the same with Oxfam when people buy products from the stores they are building a relationship with the business or if you support Oxfam through direct debit you will receive a welcome pack with updates every month about what the persons many is doing and how they are helping people in poverty.